about Everyday Beauty

The Everyday Beauty flickr pool is all about capturing and celebrating the beauty of our everyday lives. Share your beautiful captures of the world around you. Each day, we feature one lovely photo, no essay.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

253/365 G is for... by life stories photography

253/365 G is for...

daily selection by maureen


  1. o beverly -- i love your amazing photos of your sweet noah, and this one is perfect for september with it's soft processing and look of wonder. beautiful.

  2. Oh, how I miss the lovely change of seasons and fallen leaves. Sweet photo, Bev.

  3. Beautiful photo - makes me long to see the trees start to change on the mountains at my house!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you!!! I am so excited to see him here:)


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